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Campaign Name: Epsilon

Operation Number: 1

Situation: BLUF: We are attacking Todt with all our might on its eastern coasts. Secure the enemy flak cannons at OBJ Hotel and Mike to destroy air QRF. Secure OBJ Golf to establish our new MOB for future operations.

The SHAEF have ordered a Allied blockade around the island of Todt. On the day of February 4th, 1945, we will be deploying all SESO forces onto the eastern coasts of the island. You are part of Bravo squad. Alpha and Bravo would be first to land, followed by Charlie and Delta. We will be pushing inland until we reach Arbeitslager Gross-Rosen, a large P.O.W. camp and the future site of our MOB.

The eastern coasts are the largest area on the island unprotected by enemy artillery batteries, allowing our boats to land with ease. However, the nearby enemy airfields pose a threat as they will immediately deploy air QRF to supress our forces. OPSCOM advised to secure the AA flak guns in OBJ Hotel and OBJ Mike as soon as possible. Alpha, trained in operation of these German flak guns, would utilize the flak cannons against the air QRF, letting the forces of Bravo, Charlie, and Delta be unfettered from air.

Once both OBJ Hotel and OBJ Mike are captured, Bravo will spearhead an attack on OBJ Golf, also known as Arbeistlager Gross-Rosen. Other forces will hold guard behind Bravo as you capture the camp. The remaining of our campaign will resume from this camp. Protected on both sides by mountains and guarded by nearby flak, we are guaranteed safety on an island otherwise teeming with Germans. Without this camp, we could not get a toe’s hold of Todt.


  1. Secure OBJ Hotel and OBJ Mike to counter enemy air QRF
  2. Secure OBJ Golf
  3. Release slaves at OBJ Golf


  1. Capture OBJ Hotel
  2. Secure the flak cannons at Hotel until Alpha operate them NOTE: After securing OBJ Hotel, enemy air QRF will engage
  3. Capture OBJ Mike
  4. Secure the flak cannons at Mike until Alpha operate them
  5. Cross the minefield towards OBJ Golf
  6. Secure the labour camp
  7. Release the slaves
  8. EVAC to OBJ Golf


Time: 1945/02/04 0830

Weather: Slightly Cloudy

Fog: None

Enemy TO/E:

Factions: Germans (Waffen SS)

Vehicles/Statics: Tanks, APCs, Trucks, Heavy Machinegun Statics, AA Flak Cannon Statics, Mines

Air Support: Fighters (as enemy air QRF)

Friendly TO/E:

Factions: SESO, Allies (SHAEF)

Vehicles/Statics: Trucks, Boats

Fire Support: N/A

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