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Battle Update Briefing Operation Black Bear 11th May 2014 1400

In Bravo's previous engagement, Electrozavodsk was assaulted by Novorossiya insurgents during the governors parade. It was chaotic but Bravo was able to assist in the defense of the city with Ukrainian forces. While this has not brought us any closer with the hunt for Belobog, it has earned us a favor from the governor that will come in handy later on.

Bravo is advised to continue working on Belobog's map of crosses. The plan HQ has decided is for Bravo and Charlie to recon on one of the crosses. The cross is over a radio tower north of the village Vyshnoye. Charlie shall be situated near the radio tower and Bravo will be hidden on the south road of Vyshnoye. Charlie's goal will be to attempt to secure the radio tower and Bravo will cover the road south. In the event that a Novorossiya affiliate is attempting to escaping the AO, Bravo will chase them in hopes of finding their Novorossiya base.

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