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Battle Update Briefing Operation Black Bear 8th May 2014 0800

In Bravo's previous engagements, they have attempted to rescue Charlie and investigate one of the POIs.

In Charlie's assigned village Staroye, Charlie was not found in the initial excursion to the area. However, on the way back, the entire Charlie unit was found walking back to base. All of their electronics were fried and they hid in the forests for a night attempting to fix it. Once the Staroye garrison was eliminated, Charlie was on their way back to FOB RAIL with Bravo. Further investigation found out that the Novorussiyans possess some sort of device that is able to send a non-lethal electromagnetic pulse to disable surrounding electronics. While they were not able to disable large machines, such as vehicles, it was enough to disable all of Charlie's communication.

In Bravo's first POI, several photographs were taken of particular devices. In both Staroye and the POI, antennas hooked up to the village's power grids were found. It is possible that Novorossiya have been exploiting local hamlets to power their antennae devices.

As such, Charlie and Bravo units have been tasked to further investigate the POIs and work together with Cossack to infiltrate the Novorossiya Military/Refugee Camp

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