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Brief Type: Information

Operation Name: Burning Buddhist

Engagement Number: 9th

Situation: OBJ Salmon has taught us to avoid PAVN forces in frontal assaults. As a result, we will engage their VC guerillas instead! FOB Twenty-Eighty 1️⃣ is an abandoned PAVN base turned into an artillery target for Western forces. Recent intel suggests that the FOB is active again yet for non-combat reasons. Local VC forces have been seen salvaging artillery shells, removing mines, and clearing the trees. New house structures are being created from the rubble. Regardless, SESO will crash whatever plans they have. Likely battle loot from this engagement is relocation of FOB Liquor to Twenty-Eighty and FULRO Artillery Support on most of PKL.

Mission: Sweep through FOB Twenty-Eighty


  1. Load up in the Huey
  2. Spook the AO of all civilians using a fly-by
  3. When civilians have left the AO, engage VC forces
  4. Sweep through the FOB


VC forces are remarkable in their ambush tactics and traps. Expect the ground to be laden with traps all around the AO. Do not expect vehicles or even AA support.

The civilians in the area can seriously undermine our chances of holding the FOB after the engagement. Any civilian casualties risk a riot on one of our FULRO objectives. As a result, proper spooking can weed out the VC from the civilians.

Engagement Result: Success!

The FOB has been cleared with no civilian casualties! General Thi and SESO shall be relocated from FOB Liquor to FOB Twenty-Eighty by next engagement.

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