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Brief Type: Information

Operation Name: Burning Buddhist

Engagement Number: 6th

Situation: OBJ Land Chop has been a supply point for equipment moving southwards from Cambodia. Intel suggests trucks of mortars are moving to VC hamlets. As a result, securing OBJ Land Chop will cut off one of many supply lines into the regions. After securing the objective, friendly forces will set up an ambush on one of these Cambodian supply convoys.

Mission: Secure OBJ Land Chop


  1. Reach the AO of OBJ Land Chop
  2. Identify the hostile forces
  3. Engage hostile forces
  4. Set up an ambush on an incoming supply convoy


Hostile forces on OBJ Land Chop are unknown but assumed to be either VC or USMC. Identify the force first before engaging. VC are more likely to adopt traps and ambush tactics. USMC are better trained and equipped than the VC. Both require very different tactics to defeat.

Operation Result: Success!

OBJ Land Chop is secured! The M1941 82mm Mortars are under our possession! In addition, SESO also gets an APC armed with a Mortar.

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