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Operation Name: Burning Buddhist

Engagement Number: 3rd

Situation: With a foothold established on the West side of PKL, SESO will be continuing to work with General Thi and his CIDG towards the conquest of Hill Two-Twenty. As of now, friendly forces are unable to pull off a successful takeover of the hill since ARVN forces are far from the AO. In order to make way, SESO will be leading an assault on three hamlets off the hillside of FOB Penh. Removing the VC from these hamlets will guarantee safe passage for ARVN artillery and other powerful equipment. Clearing these hamlets will also grant safe passage for CIDG scouts whose goal is to reveal positions of future SESO objectives.

Mission: Liberate Hamlet Khanh, Hamlet Go Xe, and Hamlet Rung


  1. Assign a task for the CIDG squad under callsign Delta
  2. Conduct reconnaissance on Hamlet Khanh and Hamlet Go Xe
  3. Conduct reconnaissance on possible escape routes for hostiles stationed in Hamlet Khanh and Hamlet Go Xe
  4. Engage in either Hamlet Khanh or Hamlet Go Xe
  5. Engage any hostiles retreating into possible escape routes
  6. Engage in Hamlet Rung


Enemy forces are a combination of VC guerillas and PAVN special forces. Expect guerilla tactics such as traps and hit-and-run. As soon as hostiles feel they are about to lose a hamlet, they will retreat to another hamlet to reinforce local forces. In addition, hostile forces are expected to sneak behind enemy lines in order to flank friendly forces or recapture a hamlet. This is textbook hit-and-run, which is countered by a compact defense and well guarded hamlets. They will not stop hitting and running until all hamlets are liberated.

The CIDG are available to help during this engagement. CIDG Squad Delta can be assigned to attack or defend one hamlet at a time. They do not get replenished so be careful where you place them. They can be vital after liberating a hamlet as they can hold it against any reinforcing forces.

Kiwi artillery is available during this engagement. The area within the blue circle is the ideal range of the artillery. Any artillery salvo will be accurate and exactly on GRIDREF. The area between the red circle and the blue circle is the approximate range of artillery. Salvos here will be inaccurate from 20m to 100m of GRIDREF. SESO operatives are able to call in three salvos on any positions within the ideal or approximate ranges.

Operation Result: Success!

The hamlets have been liberated! This will pave way for ARVN forces to move in to the territory and support for our next attack!

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