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Operation Name: Burning Buddhist

Engagement Number: 2nd

Situation: The latest intel revealed that Trang has evacuated the Eastern half of PKL a long time ago now resides in Hill Two-Twenty. Hill Two-Twenty is a notoriously well-defended Communist refuge in the region. They have been able to defend their position even after months of siege. A conventional assault towards the Hill will not work. Instead, SESO will be tasked to secure a foothold in the southernmost portion of PKL: the Ruins of Tonle Penh. With the help of General Thi, the RVN-loyal guerillas known as the CIDG can begin work on liberating areas outside of the range of Western artillery. Once a foothold is established, it will be much easier for SESO to conduct activities against the strength of Trang.

Mission: Secure a foothold in the West side of PKL


  1. Finish Briefing with General Thi
  2. Reach Dock Bay
  3. Load up on a Patrol Boat of your choice at the PBR Dock
  4. Reach LZ Alpha
  5. Meetup with the CIDG at the rendezvous position
  6. Sweep through the Ruins of Tonle Penh
  7. Reach the Penh Mission
  8. Defend the Penh Mission until the CIDG reinforce

Enemy Intel:

Being outside of the ideal range of artillery means that the greatest mass of VC will accrue. As a result, expect heavily fortified installations supported with traps.

If an installation is deemed too heavy for an infantry assault, SESO is able to call in an artillery strike on GRIDREF. However, the artillery will be highly inaccurate due to being outside of their ideal range.

Operation Result: Success!

The Ruins have been captured allowing the general a foothold into the Western half of PKL.

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