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Brief Type: Information

Operation Name: Burning Buddhist

Engagement Number: 11th


FOB Emery is a heavily defended icon of the ARVN. As long as Emery stands, so does ARVN morale. To avoid a OBJ Salmon situation, SESO will need to complete secondary objectives prior to taking Emery. OP Chin Lam has been home to dormant Kiwi artillery men for the longest time. Surely, they would not mind having their posts replaced by FULRO artillery men.

Mot Khong Prison is a ticking bomb of Communist criminals. With the right words, FULRO could certainly convince them to assist in the siege of FOB Emery. After successful siege, we will lay waste to their final forts in PKL using their cutting-edge M16s and M40s.

Mission: Conquer FOB Emery


Phase 1: Capture the Artillery guns in OP Chin Lam

Phase 2: Release the prisoners in Mot Khong Prison

Phase 3: Assault FOB Emery

NOTE: Radio in to Command when Phase 3 begins so FULRO forces can prepare a frontal assault from the West of Emery


Now that all communist forces are gone, this means there is no reason to expect guerilla tactics or hidden traps. Rather, Western forces, made up of the ARVN and RNZA Artillery, act very boldly.

OP Chin Lam has been a thorn in FULRO's side since their inception. Initially a field hospital, Chin Lam has mobilized to act as an "observation point" with fully loaded artillery guns. They only act up during an invasion on their soil. Thus, it is essential for SESO to eliminate the artillery men at the OP and capture the guns.

Mot Khong Prison is full of dozens of VC veterans itching to lay waste to Western forces. The prison is secluded in the jungle and guarded by shotgun-wielding grunts. Releasing the prisoners will add numbers to the assault of FOB Emery.

Unlike the siege of Hill Two-Thirty, we have little intel on the FOB apart from rumours. FOB Emery is heavily protected on all sides by machine gun posts. It is also an active hub for ARVN reconnaissance vehicles. Lastly, JB Lincoln is nearby, the largest vehicle hub in PKL. Lincoln is willing to reinforce Emery in combat.

Engagement Result: Failure!

SESO Operatives were held back at OP Chin Lam. FULRO was unable assault FOB Emery without SESO's support. There is one more engagement until an all-out war begins.

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