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Brief Type: Information

Operation Name: Burning Buddhist

Engagement Number: 10th

Situation: The final battle is upon the Communist forces. According to the intel left at FOB Twenty-Eighty, Hill Two-Twenty is about to be sieged by the combined forces of the ARVN, USAF, and RNZA (Kiwi Arty) from the South-east of the hill. This leaves the Hill vulnerable from the North-west, the exact point that SESO Operatives will infiltrate to sweep the garrison. Whoever last holds the hill at the end of today's engagement decides the fate of all Communist forces in the region.

Mission: Infiltrate and hold Hill Two-Twenty


  1. Reach RV Head
  2. Proceed on foot from RV Head to RV Tail, RV Mangrove, and FRV Dragon's Lair in order NOTE: Look for the Yellow Flags at RV Mangrove.
  3. Infiltrate and sweep Hill Two-Twenty
  4. Hold back the Western forces until FULRO reinforcements arrive


All PAVN forces in the region are assigned to Hill Two-Twenty, FB Starlight, and all strongpoints. They will be utilizing their full might which will include mass assault tactics, armor, and artillery. Avoid PAVN forces until you infiltrate Hill Two-Twenty

FB Starlight is the PAVN artillery meant to counter RNZA artillery. It may seem counterintuitive however keeping FB Starlight untouched will make the subsequent hold-out at Hill Two-Twenty easier. Avoid this FB for as long as possible.

Recce Patrol Kamleng is the only intel we have on VC forces. They act as an early warning system for PAVN forces. The area marked on the map is their designated Recce area. Avoid the Recce Patrol else the VC will report SESO's presence in the Hill's North-west flank.

The Western forces are the huge combined arms of ARVN Infantry, USAF CAS, and RNZA Arty. The usual Western strategy is to soften the enemy positions with distant fire support then have the infantry to move in. Their siege will occur in three phases in the following order: artillery fire, CAS, infantry assault. By the time SESO operatives arrive to the AO, the CAS phase would have already passed.

Operation Result: Success!

The occupation of Hill Two-Twenty has demoralized Western forces and eliminated the entire Communist forces from PKL. In addition, we have replaced our huey our a fresh Mi-8 and a Shilka.

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