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Operation Name: Burning Buddhist

Engagement Number: 1st

Situation: With SESO's deployment into PKL, Thi has already assigned us the task of securing the countryside for the ARVN. There are four specific characters who have need to be investigated for their history in illegal crimes. While this is a minor task for the ARVN, this acts as a test of skill for SESO. Proper execution of this engagement can improve our standing with Thi, leading to greater opportunities and inadvertently greater rewards.

Mission: Investigate and secure the countryside


  1. Familiarize yourself with your surroundings at MOB Tet
  2. Reach Target Alpha
  3. Investigate the suspicious character known as Danh for connections with VC supplies
  4. Reach Target Bravo
  5. Investigate the suspicious character known as Hien for participating in violent riots
  6. Reach Target Charlie
  7. Investigate the suspicious character known as Khan for hiding dangerous guerillas
  8. Reach Target Delta
  9. Investigate the suspicious character known as Trang for planting improvised explosives
  10. Return to MOB Tet

Enemy Intel.

Possible combatants are strictly Viet Cong. This means no chance of armored vehicles but high chance of traps and ambushes.

However, they are likely to hide within the civilian crowd. In addition, they could frame an innocent civilian into an arrest to avoid arrest for their VC. This means it is important to thoroughly investigate each target to find the true criminal and avoid taking in civilians.

Operation Result: Success

Danh, Hien, and Khan have all been dealth with. The remaining target, Trang, has slipped past the us twice. Thi demands SESO to follow up on him and stop him and his explosives armada!

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