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Operation Name: Angola

Engagement Number: 6

Situation: The destruction of Kinsella’s entire mechanized branch has left PUBWAR in shock. Local contacts have sent translated memos from the government internal communications. There is a government lockdown, and all military branches have refused to listen to PUBWAR’s orders. They refuse to move from their posts, leaving their forces indefinitely divided.

The late KINWAR is no more. Yet, it’s child branch KRCOM lives on in Kinsella. To wipe out its great number of reserves, SESO would need great numbers as well. The Mawties are willing to share their numbers, refreshed with the equipment from Hazena, to eliminate KRCOM. They suggested a siege of the city of Kinsella, a process they have already begun. It has been a week since it started, and reserves have fortified the city. If the city can be cleared, the entire KRCOM branch can be destroyed. This would include their officers as well.

Hotel 2 has identified 4 objectives (OBJ) and 4 outposts (OP). OBJ Refinery, OBJ Apartment, OBJ Hospital, and OBJ Office are all significant structures in Kinsella that will be captured by SESO operatives. Most enemy forces are situated in these objectives as they are the tallest and best supplied points of the city. OP November, OP Whiskey, OP Sierra, and OP Echo are pockets of troops surrounding the city. Less populated but better armed, these outposts are the reason the Mawties could not finish the siege without us. Each OP may be cleared to make way for friendly forces. If the OP is captured, Mawt forces will occupy its static weapons immediately, and engage incoming reinforcements.

While KRCOM is a branch of reserves, they are formidable through their numbers. During the siege, reserves from the north, east, and south of Kinsella will attempt to recapture the OBJs. Mawties will reinforce from the west. Occupy the OPs to let the Mawties deter the enemy reinforcements.

Mission: Occupy Kinsella


  1. Rendezvous with the sieging Mawties west of Kinsella
  2. Capture and occupy OBJ Refinery, OBJ Apartment, OBJ Hospital, and OBJ Office in any order
  3. Occupy each OBJ until Kinsella is captured (indicated by the change from red to green on the map)
  4. RTB

Captured OPs will immediately be manned by Mawties to deter enemy reinforcements.

Intel: Enemy forces are mostly Bantu reserves. They are entirely infantry and dispersed across Kinsella to guard against bandits. They make up for their skill with their overwhelming numbers.

The remaining enemy forces are Bantu fanatics. These are lightly armed militia that defend their homes from unknown agents. Consider them allied to PUB.

Mawt forces are part of Alpha squad. They will reinforce the siege with the equipment captured from Hazena. This includes armor and APCs. Any OPs captured by SESO will immediately be manned by Mawties on statics.

Hotel 1 will provide their helicopter for Bravo. Hotel 2 will provide the UAV operator with thermal vision over the AO. A technical armed with an M2 machine gun and a technical armed with an SPG launcher are available in the garage. They may be slingloaded with Hotel 1.

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