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Operation Name: Angola

Engagement Number: 4

Situation: KRCOM’s communication logs revealed PUBWAR’s strategy known as Operation Uhuru. Uhuru’s goal is the subdication of all bandits, such as the Pirates of Hazena. As part of PUBWAR’s orders, KINWAR was ordered to take the island using mechanized forces only. Support forces such as the 93rd artillery platoon and the 20th helicopter squad are stationed at Airport Swonto Pinley while the mechanized platoons are to invade Hazena. The logs end at the time Bravo infiltrated Camp Noobia.

Airport Swonto Pinley is surrounded by considerable numbers of mechanized and armored forces. The Mawties suggested an attack on the neutral Kwako bandits, famed for their requisitioned UN technicals with enough firepower penetrate Airport Swonto Pinley. Kwako was unwilling to cooperate with SESO in the offensive towards Airport Swonto Pinley, so the Mawties prepared for an offensive towards their town. Bravo is to take advantage of this shotgun diplomacy by acquiring the UN technicals.

Mission: Destroy KINWAR


  1. Enter AO across the river South of Kwako
  2. Cross the river once Alpha Mawt Assault Squad has engaged the bandits
  3. Occupy Kwako with Alpha
  4. Embark friendly forces onto technicals
  5. Destroy KINWAR, the 93rd Kinsella Artillery Platoon, and the 20th Kinsella Helicopter Squad at Airport Swonto Pinley
  6. RTB

Intel: PUB forces are mechanized and armored. Some infantry is present at the airport within the compound. The 93rd artillery platoon is armored but unable to engage friendly forces. The 20th helicopter squad is landed deepest in the airport. They will take off and engage as soon as hostiles are spotted.

The Kwako bandits are mixed with infantry and technicals. Most technicals are armed with SPG-9 rocket launchers. An industrial district in the outskirts of Kwako builds armed technicals. If all hostile technicals are destroyed, remaining technicals will be available at the industrial district. Bravo and Alpha Mawties will use the technicals to engage forces surrounding KINWAR.

Hotel 1 will provide their helicopter for Bravo. Hotel 2 will provide the UAV operator with thermal vision over the AO.

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