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Operation Name: Angola

Engagement Number: 3

Situation: SESO has deployed the new UAV support under callsign “Hotel 2.” The UAV identified 5 new platoons that moved to the west coast, lead by KINWAR. The Kalunga's invasion severely weakened the Hazena pirates. KINWAR's movement is likely in preparation of a new invasion of Hazena. Bravo is unable to approach any of the platoons’ officers as they are well guarded by one another. To predict KINWAR’s movement, SESO must obtain intel on their invasion plans. These plans will reveal times and locations where KINWAR officers are most vulnurable. The best chance of obtaining invasion plans is to infiltrate KRCOM and obtain communication logs between KRCOM and KINWAR. Since KINWAR moved away from Kinsella, KRCOM is exposed to attacks.

KINWAR was originally stationed around Kinsella to deter attacks by the Tasmera guerillas. KRCOM was focused on training recruits. Since KINWAR moved away, Tasmera's motorized squads may raid Kinsella again. They have no intention for preserving communication logs by KRCOM. Bravo's engagement is planned to occur before a potential attack by the guerillas.

Bravo will infiltrate Kinsella’s training camp known as Camp Noobia. KRCOM is stationed in one of the office buildings.

Mission: Obtain KRCOM communication logs


  1. Infiltrate Camp Noobia
  2. Keep track of QRF with Hotel 2
  3. Find and obtain KRCOM's communication logs
  4. RTB with Hotel 1 before nearby reserves surround Camp Noobia

Intel: Enemy forces are Bantu reserves. They are entirely infantry and dispersed across Kinsella to guard against bandits. Attacks on reserve platoons are futile as they make up for their skill with their overwhelming numbers.

The nearby bandits are motorized squads part of the Tasmera guerillas. KINWAR used to deter raids on Kinsella with their mechanized forces. Since KINWAR has moved away, intel suggests Tasmera guerillas may raid Kinsella again.

Hotel 1 will provide air taxi support. Hotel 2 will provide the UAV operator thermal vision over the AO.

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