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Operation Name: Angola

Engagement Number: 2

Situation: The bandit has revealed intel on a supposed peace treaty between the pirates of Hazena Island and the Bantu government at 0800. The Tippu Tip bandits were hoping to interrupt the negotiations. This peace treaty will end hostilities in the north-west waters in exchange for sovereighty for Hazena. This deal would be irrelevant to us until we learned the identity of the Bantu negotiator. Captain Ali Kalunga of the PUB's 92nd Kinsella Mechanized Platoon is acting as the Bantu ambassador. The only bridge to Hazena was destroyed when the pirates took over. As a result, Captain Kalunga will be bringing his platoon of APCs across the waters to either the Bay of Hazena or the Bay of Minesini. It is not known which APC he will ride. Bravo must confirm contact with Captain Kalunga before engaging Bantu forces. He can be found wearing a red beret, as all Bantu officers do.

Negotiations will be tense. The pirates have had a long-standing rivalry with the People's Republic of Bantustan. Indeed, the first shots of this civil war were fired between the Hazena pirates and Bantu forces. If the presence of SESO is known to Hazena, this may break down negotiations. If the negotiations are lost before Captain Kalunga is found, it will be impossible to complete the mission. OPSCOM has added NV goggles and silencers to the arsenal to support stealthy approaches.

The Mawties are not willing to support us in this engagement as they do not wish to open another front against the Hazena pirates. As a result, the captured vehicles from the last engagement are unavailable to us.

Recon revealed that the pirates patrol the waters surrounding Hazena. Sneak past their patrols using the boats provided by Ramon. The boats are on the shore East of Katakabi.

Mission: Neutralize Captain Ali Kalunga of the 92nd Kinsella Mechanized Platoon


  1. Embark on the boats East of Katakabi
  2. Avoid the hostile boats
  3. Land on Hazena Island
  4. Neutralize AA Hades, AA Poseidon, and AA Zeus
  5. Watch the Bay of Hazena from OW Olympus and the Bay of Minesini from OW Titan until Captain Kalunga is spotted
  6. Neutralize Captain Kalunga
  7. If eliminated, retrieve his red beret as evidence
  8. RTB with Hotel


The engagement will occur at 0430. Bravo will be provided with NV goggles and silencers to conceal themselves from enemy forces. Not all weapons come with silencers such as the M249. In that case, pistol silencers are provided for the Glock 7. The sun rises at 0530. Negotiations are set to occur at 0800.

Enemy forces are the Hazena pirates, called so due to their wide array of requisitioned UN vehicles. They have become adept at holding Hazena island from naval and air forces. However, their land forces are composed of conventional guerilla fighters and technicals. They have known AA positions across the south of the island marked as AA Zeus, AA Hades, and AA Poseidon. Those AA positions should be neutralized as soon as possible so Hotel may provide exfiltration.

Hotel will provide air taxi support.

Debriefing: Bravo have neutralized Captain Ali Kalunga. The peace talks broke down as Kalunga's platoon planned to capture the island. The battle was a victory for Hazena when the 92nd Kinsella mechanized platoon fled to the mainland.

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