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Operation Name: Angola

Engagement Number: 13

Situation: The time has come to end Operation Angola. OPSCOM has published documents regarding the classified attack maneuver. President Imbangala of Bantustan has been spotted in the city of Bolabongo. His fall will start a domino effect against the weakening nation, guaranteeing completion of our contract with Ramon Rodriguez. This is exclusive intel we have held classified to prevent leaks to the Mawties or any other third party, to avoid competition. According to common knowledge, this will look like a standard siege of Bolabongo, similar to Kinsella’s siege, where the Mawties will attack the city while SESO captures specific objectives. While they have informed us of important military objectives to capture, we shall be ignoring their requests. As per the formally classified attack maneuver, we will be targeting civilian objectives that will likely house the president during the siege. Since the airspace above the city is protected by enemy AA, we cannot rely on Angel squad or own pilots to destroy these objectives. Instead, we will be conducting ground attacks by blockading major road then ramming our 6 fuel trucks into these objectives and causing devastating explosions throughout the city. If done correctly, this would catch the president off his guard and with no change of recourse. Either these explosions will take Imbangala as well or he will be exposed from urban cover.

Civilian casualties are highly likely but exceptional for this maneuver. You may cross civilians out of their ROE. You will not be penalized for excessive force, civilian losses, or destruction of civilian property. Such crimes are inevitable when the enemy chooses to mix their civilian population, government, and military in a highly concentrated capital.

You will deploy from Aeroporto Swonto Pinley, where you have stayed since the previous engagement. While we have enough equipment to cause the explosions, we lack enough junk to block the exit roads. You will need to requisition vehicles, civilian or other, to establish blockades at specific “Block” points. This is to be done before the attacks on civilian objectives, partially to hinder the enemy advance, and partially to prevent the president’s easy escape.

Once President Imbangala is confirmed to be neutralized, you may evacuate Isla Duala.

Mission: Neutralize President Imbangala


  1. Secure each block point around Bolabongo
  2. Build a blockade at each point with the fortify tool and/or with surrounding vehicles
  3. Connect to the fuel trucks wirelessly
  4. For each fuel truck, drive towards targets Alpha through Foxtrot
  5. When nearby a target, exit remote control to demolish the target
  6. At each target, confirm President Imbangala is neutralized
  7. Otherwise, find and neutralize him
  8. Return to S.E.S.O. HQ


Time: 2001/11/16 1200

Weather: Overcast

Fog: Light

Enemy forces are the Bantus. Independent forces are the Mawties, who are supporting in the siege of Bolabongo.

Bantu forces are heavily armed with all types of equipment. They are outfitted with infantry, statics, armed technicals, armour, and even air assets. Expect this to be at their most powerful.

The Mawties are attacking Bolabongo with their finest of mechanized infantry and air assets. While they will engage enemy forces, they have no knowledge of our true mission.

Hotel 1 will provide their helicopter for Bravo. Hotel 2 will be available but will be out of the AO since it is within the PUB's anti-drone range. A technical armed with an M2 machine gun and a technical armed with an SPG launcher are available in the garage. They may be slingloaded with Hotel 1.

Aeroporto Swonto Pinley also contains 3 BRDM-2 APCs. The 6 fuel truck payload from the previous engagement are available to self-destruct into massive explosions near targets. They are equipped with UAV technology, allowing remote control from the deployment zone.

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