Psychopomp Campaign

c. 1983 | 2022

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Welcome to Isla Nueva

Gem of the Caribbean

Isla Nueva, the gem of the Caribbean, is stricken with great misfortune. Their people are impoverished as their logging and tobacco industries crumble. Many are left unemployed and forced to resort to drug trafficking. Local gangs squabble over the island, splitting it into multiple territories. The Koloban state that controlled the island is on the brink of extinction.

Our client is a conglomerate of agriculture companies lead by Chiquita Farms. They have setup this contract as a way to dispel the malevolent agents that subdue the island. And by no doubt, to open Koloba’s market to the international world. They have tried to expand into Koloba before, however, paid harassers send by narco gangs prevent any foreign business from establishing itself. The chaos prevents any goodwill.

The people have become agitated by a man known to us as Jesús Malverde. A brilliant mastermind who orchestrated the overthrow of the Koloban state so his drug trafficking business remains untouched. It will no doubt accelerate peacemaking if this man was to be apprehended or neutralized.

There are gangs that threaten peace such as the Santa Luz Stars, the Confederados, the Triple Amezana, the Garínagu, Los Mineros, Los Viagras, Resistencia Ancestral Caribes, and so on. Each one must be dealt with individually, by manner of speech or bullet, to pave the way to progress. Failure to balance their powers may tip the scales too far and lose us the entire island.

Seeing no help from the US government as President Reagan is preoccupied with the communist overthrow of Grenada, Chiquita has chosen us. It shall be our duty to liberate Isla Nueva and restore the Koloban government.