Ost Campaign

c. 2021 | 2021

Ost Campaign Cover Image

It is 2021, over the past year Russia has made several aggressive moves into its neighboring countries, worrying NATO and other organizations alike. As such security and forces along the Russian border have been increased respectively. But NATO's paranoia has not at all decreased since the Cold War. The alliance bumping up and grabbing every man and weapon they can to scare any Russian moves off.

So enter SESO, with this arms race to pull anything in the way of this Russian threat. NATO has recruited for a pretty penny, SESO. Their mission.... to secure an area of Eastern Germany... and leave it secured. Though why this area in particular opposed to the front, or countries that need it more? They are still unsure. But it has been several weeks since their recruitment, and this seems to just be a mirror the Cold War.

Either way, the money gained after this contract is fulfilled is enough to fill all their pockets to the brim so to speak. So the grunts have been content with sitting around...