Isla Duala

c. 2000 | 2018

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Welcome to Isla Duala

The African Campaign

The most powerful government of this island is the Republic of Namaqua: a corrupt oligarchy with President Omuroi Hon as both de facto head of state and head of government. It peacefully transitioned from its kingdom roots via referendum, while keeping King Nawa Hanika as the de jure head of state.

However, that was the past and now is February of 2000. Dissent has reached an all time high in Namaqua. Most people are growing distrustful of President Hon. Underground parties are gaining more total support than of the ruling party, causing a civil war.

To the North are the ever-growing Bantu Liberation Army (BLA), colliqually known as the Angolans or the Communists. They share ideologies with the original Angolan communist party, as well as their warrior spirit. They seek to unify all the ethnic groups of Isla Duala under Angolan rule, as they believe in Trotskyism, a universal communism, and find a union by Angola to be the first step. Today, they stand as uniformed and well-supplied army. Their weaponry and literature are straight from the USSR, with the distance lagging their technology behind by a couple decades. To the East are the Mawt Nation, also known as the Mawties. Completely different and completely hated by the BLA. They share ideologies with Al-Qaeda and various Pagan roots. They have their own syncretic Islam, with local traditions smeared on their Qurans. Their aim is in the representation of the Muslim majority of the island, and complete domination of all kufirs, non-Muslims. Their equipment come from the same source as the BLA, though in even worse number and quality. However, their power is in guerilla warfare. Unlike the Angolans, they do not wear obvious uniforms and attack as a front. Rather, they hide behind civilians, in villages, in cities. This means that far more Mawties could exist on the island, but we would not even know until it is too late.

The Republic of Namaqua's responsibilities are to guard against the separatists movements and quelling the dissent. However, Isla Duala is so huge that it is difficult to get men across. Thus, the UN were employed to defend heritage sites and provide humanitarian aid. Although the Republic is guitly of numerous human right violations, this civil war would only cause more atrocities if left ignored.

S.E.S.O. come in as contractors. We only accept contracts from Namaqua and the UN, as part of a bigger deal with the higher-ups. Once we finish all contracts, the deal will be fulfilled and the island will either be in peace or burning in oblivion.