Epsilon Campaign

c. 1945 | 2023

Epsilon Campaign Cover Image

Todt, Secret Nazi Island

As part of Operation Paperclip, the SHAEF have deployed special agents as part of the T-force across Europe to destroy Nazi technology and capture prominent scientists. Most of T-force had been depleted of their highly-trained agents due to the vastness of the European front. The island of Todt was probably the most vital and heavily defended concentration of Nazi science at this point in the war. It was the last trick up Germany’s sleeve to turn the war, and the Allied powers knew it had to be disposed of.

During the Allied Powers’ sweep of Europe, SESO was entirely captured and awaited trial by the end of the war. SESO was not recognized as a legitimate company, barely as a band of mercenaries. Since 1936 in Marenice, SESO collaborated with multiple organizations, including the Axis. There was little sympathy to SESO due to this collaboration. They were to face the same justice as the high-ranking Nazi officers in Nuremberg. However, the SHAEF recognized their chance and offered a deal: if SESO infiltrates Todt, destroys all secret Nazi weapons, and captures lead Nazi scientists, they may be granted amnesty. SESO’s collaboration with the enemy would be wiped from history, and they would be recognized as a legitimate company.

While SESO would receive basic supplies from the SHAEF, most of the equipment would come out of its pockets. There would be no contract with promised payment. To pull off such a feat, SESO would exploit all of its financial ties, facing inevitable bankruptcy, and having to start again. It is probable that the SESO that comes after this campaign will look nothing like its predecessor, sharing only the nomeclature. New equipment, relationships, and, most importantly, expensive contracts would be necessary to bring it back to excellence.


Todt, Atlantic Ocean.


Scientists Recalled Early 1943

Due to the westward push of the Soviets, scientists, technicians, etc. were recalled to Germany to bolster German defense. The remaining members of the Reichsforschungsrat are relocated to Todt for development on secret Wunderwaffe.

Starts February 4th, 1945

Mid-January, Soviets entered Poland. During Yalta Conference. In March, Germans launch final offensive. Then Vienna is captured. On May 8th, 1945, Nazi Germany surrendered.

Ends April 22nd, 1945

Close to Nazi capitulation on May 8th, 1945. On April 25th, 1945, American and Soviet borders met each other, leaving only southern Germany.




    • Major Tony Hibbert of No. 30 Commandos, officer of the T Force
  • SESO
    • Alpha
    • Bravo
    • Sleepy Raccoon
    • Charlie
    • Delta
    • Combat Service Support personnel


  • SS
  • Wehrmacht
  • Luftwaffe


  • Reichsforschungsrat (Reich Research Council)
    • Bernhard Rust
      • Wunderwaffe: Schreies, proto-Krieks
      • Director of Council
      • Head of Psychological Warfare
    • Kurt Diebner
      • Wunderwaffe: V2 Rockets
      • Head of Nuclear Research
    • Erich Schumann
      • Wunderwaffe: Heavy Gustav Railway Gun
      • Head of Physics
    • Otto Scherzer
      • Wunderwaffe: Graf Zepplin II Radar Interceptor Airship
      • Head of Radar Research
    • Werner Osenberg
      • Wunderwaffe: P-1000 Ratte Tank
      • Head of Defense Research
    • Peter Adolf Thiessen
      • Wunderwaffe: Messerschmitt Me 262 Jet Fighter
      • Head of Jet-powered Aircraft Research
    • Walther Gerlach
      • Wunderwaffe: Graf Zepplin Aircraft Carrier
      • Head of Naval Research


  • Organization Todt
    • Slaves