Angola Campaign

c. 2001 | 2022

Welcome Back to Isla Duala

Representative: S.E.S.O. operatives, this briefing is classified as it pertains to Operation Angola. You are going back to Isla Duala. The nation is embroiled in another civil war. Since the president’s banishment from the island, the People’s Union of Bantustan has become the de facto government. This will not continue.

S.E.S.O. is contracted by Ramon Rodriguez to return to Isla Duala. You will be neutralizing the Bantu government. This includes an assembly of 200 military officers and the President himself. This will in no doubt support the separatist Mawt nation. The Mawt nation were former religious extremists you probably knew as the Mawties. After the first war, they united with the remains of the former government to advocate for an Islamic democracy. They will be cooperating with S.E.S.O. to occupy enemy Bantu territory.

The Board has funded logistical support for the operation. You will be outfitted with familiar weapons and equipment with modern additions. Your armour comes preinstalled with cameras and GPS tracking devices to receive the latest positioning information from our UAV. Hotel will be joining you as an air transport detachment, allowing you to taxi operatives. However, most ground transport has to be determined ad hoc. Our analysists shown ground vehicles to be well over the budget available.

The logistical support is in thanks to our shareholders, who have joined us since our growth last year. Minimize our expenses as much as possible. Nothing is more valuable than our customer satisfaction.

You will be setting up on Ramon’s Plantation as a forward operating base. Operations Command and the aforementioned support will be deployed on his estate until completion of the contract. Once completed, you will return to headquaters and exit the civil war.

This has been a representative of S.E.S.O.’s Board of Directors speaking. All information disclosed is classified company intel as it pertains to Operation Angola. Any company personnel will be met with discipline as outlined in our company ethics. Non-company personnel will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Goodbye and good luck.