About S.E.S.O.

SESO was established in 2018 by members of a former Garry’s Mod Star Wars RP group. Originally, it was another Star Wars RP group set in Arma 3. However, that quickly changed alongside our interests. Today, SESO is an international, online community of people who enjoy playing and creating games and game modifications. We pride ourselves on our operations, which have been on-going every week since 2018. SESO follows a simple hierarchy and set of responsibilities.


Operations Command / OPSCOM

Builds and maintains S.E.S.O. infrastructure. Moderates S.E.S.O. Discord. Decides on canon. Hosts custom operations.

Command Consultant / COMCON

Maintains S.E.S.O. infrastructure. Moderates S.E.S.O. Discord. Consults with OPSCOM. Hosts workshop scenarios.


There are four tenets that make up our unit philosophy.

  1. Convenience

Time is essential when coordinating group activities. We ensure all activities are as convenient as possible through scripting. All of our operations use some scripts that reduce setup time, immerse the operatives, and bring them closer to the gameplay. This tenet extends to our infrastructure, such as the Wiki which holds our previously used scripts to make it convenient for mission hosts to use them as well.

  1. Creativity

SESO is a private military company that spans over 90+ years of history in conflicts around the world. There is enormous potential for creative storytelling and alternative history to play out in our operations. Coupled with the convenience of it all, it is made easy to digest through our Operations page where anyone, including strangers, can see our stories. We strive to be creating new ideas, missions, and even mods for ourselves and the Arma 3 community at large.

  1. Freedom

Coming from a background of stringent roleplay, we wanted SESO to be far easier to follow. Our rules can be condensed to 3-4 lines. Our infrastructure is transparent and FOSS or in public domain. This ensures freedom for an operative to play and create however they like, being comfortable with themselves and around others.

  1. Fun

Most of all, if it's not fun, it's not worth it. Everything we make is to produce fun. It is the critical lens that we look at our work to determine if it's SESO quality.

SESO or S.E.S.O.?

Often seen in SESO documents such as this website is the spelling of the name as SESO or S.E.S.O. Both are valid. SESO is an acronym so there should be periods between every letter to indicate the start of four words. However, acronyms can be written without periods as well. If one is conflicted on which term to use, use S.E.S.O. when you are writing a title and SESO when you are writing in the body.

In any case, avoid writing S.E.S.O without the period for the O. If there are periods for the acronym, every letter should be marked with a dot.